Insightful blog articles? Oh, yeah! We're nerds. We know stuff.
(If you've ever met a nerd who didn't know a lot of random stuff, he/she was just using the title to appear sexy. Please report this imposter immediately.)Say “Hello” to Our New Logos!
Today, we’re officially launching our new logo! We’re pretty stoked about it, so we thought we’d shout it from the rooftops… or through email or whatever. We initially thought our original, old logo was cool, playful and smart, but that puppy had to go.
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“You’re not Writing because You’re SCARED!” Series: Fear 6 – I’m afraid of becoming a successful author.
The thought of experiencing such a visible, public failure as an author is paralyzing. The mere idea of being a rising star that falls to the ground with a splat for all to see and laugh at is mortifying. Whether you realize it or not, having thoughts of these scenarios playing in your subconscious could be keeping you from completing your writing project.
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“You’re not Writing because You’re SCARED!” Series: Fear 5 – I’ll be so disappointed with the outcome, I’ll never recover.
Either you don’t realize it, or somewhere deep down, you know it but simply refuse to admit it: the underlying reason behind all of your excuses for not having begun writing your book yet is that four-letter word called “fear.” Read on to understand how fear has...
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“You’re not Writing because You’re SCARED!” Series: Fear 4 – I’m afraid of what the book-writing process might cost me.
Either you don’t realize it, or somewhere deep down, you know it but simply refuse to admit it: the underlying reason behind all of your excuses for not having begun writing your book yet is that four-letter word called “fear.” Read on to understand how fear has...
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“You’re not Writing because You’re SCARED!” Series: Fear 3 – I’m afraid of how people will react to what I share.
What if your book stirs up a messy controversy, shakes things up among people you love, and disrupts the overall harmony of your social circle? What if you lose relationships with people you love simply because you dared to tell the whole truth when sharing your story? Not knowing the answer to such questions can leave you shaking in your boots and keep you paralyzed with fear so that you never even begin writing your book.
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“You’re not Writing because You’re SCARED!” Series: Fear 2 – No one will want to buy or read my book.
Either you don’t realize it, or somewhere deep down, you know it but simply refuse to admit it: the underlying reason behind all of your excuses for not having begun writing your book yet is that four-letter word called “fear.” Read on to understand how fear has...
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