Either you don’t realize it, or somewhere deep down, you know it but simply refuse to admit it: the underlying reason behind all of your excuses for not having begun writing your book yet is that four-letter word called “fear.” Read on to understand how fear has stifled your dreams of becoming an author and what to do to give fear the boot this year!


Fear 4:  I’m afraid of what the book-writing process might cost me.


It’s no secret that going through the book writing process will cost you something, but you’re afraid of the cost.


For example, will you have to give up so much time to complete the project that you end up feeling lonely and isolated? Will you have to miss out on the parties, bowling nights, brunches, Netflix binge-watching and nap times that make you feel so happy?


Will you be so stressed out during the process that you grow ornery, snapping at the people you love because you resent having to sit down and work on this project until you get it done? Will having to discipline yourself to focus on something like this long-term drive you insane?


Also, what will you have to pay in terms of getting the book published and live online? Can you afford it? Overall, what cost will you really have to pay in terms of focus, discipline, time, energy, and financial resources – and are you convinced you have enough to pay it? Without knowing the answers to these questions, you’re too afraid to even get started.


We get it; you know yourself. You know your track record with big projects that you’ve set out to complete in the past, and you know how you tend to become in the midst of them. You know how much the pressure changes you and how “not-so-fun” of a person you become.


We also know that traditionally, you’ve invested time, money and energy into doing “big things,” and after all of that investment, the project came to naught. As a result, a part of you regretted the cost. You even told yourself that if you had to do it all over again, you wouldn’t.


The experiences of your past that have required a great deal of cost and sacrifice but resulted in little reward are a part of what is feeding the fear you are facing today! However, it’s time to get over the past and look towards a brighter future. After all, there are lots of things in your past that didn’t work out like you wanted them to, but you didn’t allow them to stop you from trying again, right?


Consider the failed relationships of your past. Did you let them keep you from smiling back at that cute guy or girl who was eyeing you down across the restaurant or accepting that invitation for coffee from a co-worker? Why not? It’s because despite how things worked out in the past, you always hold out hope that things will work out differently in the future, so you try again.


This book project is no different. Thus, get over your fear of how much completing your book will cost you, and hold on to the hope there’s a bright future as an author ahead of you if you make the sacrifice!


(Interested in reading more? Check out the next post in this blog series!)

Need help bringing that writing project to completion? Geniuscribes can help! We specialize in 23rd hour timelines, resurrecting dead books and research, and renewing your hopes of getting your dream book or dissertation done. Let’s work together and get you done, already! Visit geniuscribes.com to get started.


Shannon Williams, Ph.D., is the Founder and Chief Executive Nerd of Geniuscribes, Nerds with Pens. For more than a decade, she has helped doctoral students complete their dissertations and aspiring writers complete their books. She is a nerdy, fun-loving, dog-obsessed foodie who loves Jesus, unpretentious people, sunshine, and coffee. She is a die-hard Houstonian and Texas Longhorn living in Atlanta, where Chick-Fil-A sells collard greens and macaroni, and the tea is as sweet as the people, much to her delight. You can reach her through her team at support@geniuscribes.com if you like. Or not. Whatever butters your biscuit! Oh yeah… she loves those, too.

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