Insightful blog articles? Oh, yeah! We're nerds. We know stuff.

(If you've ever met a nerd who didn't know a lot of random stuff, he/she was just using the title to appear sexy. Please report this imposter immediately.)
“You’re not Writing because You’re SCARED!” Series:   Fear 1 – People will say I’m not a good writer.

“You’re not Writing because You’re SCARED!” Series: Fear 1 – People will say I’m not a good writer.

You know that book that you keep saying you’re going to write? That book that has been one of your New Year’s resolutions for the past six, seven… or 12 years? That book that you think about, dream about, talk about, and are always “about to write”? Well, there’s a big “why” behind the reason that you haven’t written it yet.

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“Unfinished Business” Part 2 – You’re Naturally Programmed to Finish what You Start… and to Succeed!

“Unfinished Business” Part 2 – You’re Naturally Programmed to Finish what You Start… and to Succeed!

There’s a reason for this: we are naturally programmed to finish what we start. As a result, finishing feels good. Conversely, not finishing feels bad – so bad, in fact, that it makes us sick. If we weren’t naturally programmed this way, how else would we be able to get anything done in life? We are wired in such a way that if we don’t do the significant things we set out to accomplish, our hearts and minds simply cannot rest with contentment. Isn’t it amazing? We were naturally programmed to succeed, not to fail!

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