Guest Fee: Charge for bringing along a spouse, friend or assistant. Guest fee includes lodging (sharing your room), breakfast and lunch.
Jumpstart Extra 1 (Coaching Pre-work): This allows your assigned dissertation buddy to spend hours delving in your research topic prior to the retreat in order to providing one-on-one coaching for you. As a part of the pre-work process, your dissertation buddy will review the most current research, take notes, examine similar studies, and gain a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of your topic’s placement in the overall body of most current research literature.
Jumpstart Extra 2 (Literature Review): This allows your dissertation buddy to complete his/her own exhaustive review of the literature, making notes about research methods used, population and samples, results and findings, and to understand the similarities, differences and connections that exist between various studies that align with your original research and published literature.
Jumpstart Extra 3 (Methods): This allows your assigned dissertation buddy to examine your research topic and provide a sound list of recommended quantitative, qualitative or triangulated methods that can be engaged in the study to answer your research questions. Along with each of the recommended methods, your dissertation buddy will provide a clear, practical explanation of the method as well as a justification for why it would best suit a study of your nature.
Jumpstart Extra 4 (Dedicated Typist): Some people have a difficult time getting their books completed because they are not the best typists. The thought of spending hours hunting and pecking on a keyboard is enough to fill them with anxiety. We can help with that by providing you with a dedicated typist who can type so quickly it’ll make your head spin! This makes the intensive writing process that we engage in at the retreat much easier for you. You can focus on thinking about the content, and as you verbalize your thoughts, your dedicated typist will record them directly into your manuscript!